


Senioritis is an original sitcom pilot script that I originally created as a capstone project. Its logline is, “A graduate student’s life turns upside down when she learns her internship is no longer with high school seniors but instead at Shady Oaks, a retirement home filled with feisty senior citizens.” After completing the script, I spent time on a project developing the idea further. This included creating a, b, and c plot lines for an entire season’s worth of episodes. Additionally, I did further research both on characters and concepts for the series and also explored the process of pitching a television series to a network. Lastly, I sought out script feedback then compiled and incorporated the advice I received. Check out the entire case study on this project for more info!


The Placebo Connect

The Placebo Connect is a short form script I wrote about the rising issue in America of overmedication. Its logline is, “upon receiving placebo treatment from a doctor after the loss of her husband, a grandmother discovers that laughter truly is the best medicine.” This piece was very personal to me, and one of the projects that inspired me to continue pursuing screenwriting. Check out the entire script!